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Load testing types: load, stress, soak, spike. Examples in k6 load testing tool
Posted on:August 12, 2022Load testing is a well-known technique of software testing to make sure, that system we’re working on, behaves in a way, we’d like to.
Separate or project repository to store tests? Which, why, and when?
Posted on:December 13, 2021While starting to work with end-to-end tests, one of the first questions is where to store them. Alongside source code or in separate repository? Two solutions, both slightly different.
Six things you should consider while designing a test architecture
Posted on:February 23, 2021The beginning of automated tests in a project is easy and difficult at the same time. You can start smoothly, using base architecture, simple tests, etc - and it's gonna work! But...
Importance of CI/CD and parallelisation in test automation
Posted on:January 31, 2021With growing test architecture, we are facing various problems. Execution time, flakiness, duplicate test cases etc. Tests are becoming hard to manage and we may start to feel like writing and maintaining them is meaningless.
Who is a Quality Assurance Engineer and what should he know?
Posted on:January 17, 2021Have you ever think about steps in the testing journey? Manual tester, QA, QA Engineer, Test Developer, SDET, TestOps? There are many ways you can develop in. But today, I want to stick with one - QA Engineer.
What is screenshot, UI, API, and performance testing?
Posted on:December 28, 2020Building a product, we face the moment that we need more types of tests. Screenshot, UI, API, or Performance? There are many of them and every one is designed for other purposes.
How to make your UI automation tests resilient to changes?
Posted on:December 20, 2020Using CSS selectors to get elements in end-to-end tests is the most common way (besides xpath), but it can also be tricky and hard to maintain. One day everything could work fine and another a CSS class could be renamed.
What is smoke, sanity, regression testing? How to CI/CD with them.
Posted on:December 12, 2020With growing test architecture, we are facing various problems. Execution time, flakiness, duplicate test cases etc. Tests are becoming hard to manage and we may start to feel like writing and maintaining them is meaningless.
First steps with end-to-end testing using jest + playwright (puppeteer)
Posted on:December 3, 2020Recently I wrote a post about my first steps with test automation. I tried to answer questions related to the topic and guide you where and what to search for.
First steps with UI test automation
Posted on:November 26, 2020Starting your test automation journey isn't always as smooth as it should be.
Why do most test engineers fail interviews?
Posted on:November 20, 2020Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing candidates for my QA team. Sometimes, they were hard. You may ask why so I'll try to explain.
Why it's so hard to get rid of bad habits?
Posted on:October 24, 2020Some time ago I read a book - The Power of Habits, written by Charles Duhigg. I wanted to learn, how to manage my habits and the most - how to get rid of the bad ones.
Arrays and objects destructuring in JavaScript
Posted on:October 5, 2020Getting variables using destructuring makes our life a bit easier. It looks nicer than the normal way and makes code reading easier.
Set up special Github readme! Examples included!
Posted on:September 17, 2020Some time ago I hit an article, that Github added a special type of repository, the ones you see above (we'll make it better), where we can write something about us. I think, that's a great idea to show, what exactly I'm doing, and maybe...
Why you should have financial cushion?
Posted on:September 3, 2020Yesterday I didn't know how to manage an income. I thought it's very complex to build a financial cushion, manage two accounts, invest money or just simply not live beyond the state.